Sick Days

This is a picture of a quilt I made a few years ago for my son Eric.

I love the blue pineapple print, so I used that for the backing.

I did not do the quilting myself.  Previously, I showed a picture of my son when he was younger wrapped in the first quilt I made.  He has been home sick for two days now, and even though he is a junior in high school, all I want to do is wrap him in a quilt and take care of him.

I was also going to show you the fabric that arrived yesterday to complete one of my coin quilts.  However, I have spent the last hour trying to find all my photos.  They seem to have disappeared from my computer.  Getting a new laptop as been on my list of things to do.  I guess once Eric is better, I will head to the Apple store.  Hopefully, my pictures will miraculously reappear.

Have an amazing day!!!