One More... to enter Sew, Mama, Sew's Giveaway Day!  Click here to leave a comment for my giveaway.  I am thrilled at the response I have had!  Unfortunately, I haven't had a chance to look at all the great blogs and giveaways out there...other than the blogs I follow that are participating.  Don't think my odds are that great of winning ;-( we are moving to....which explains why I haven't had time to click on the participating giveaway blogs.  I don't even have any cool pictures of our house to share.  I only took pictures of walls for furniture planning purposes.  The above pictures show where I will put a TV in my new studio and the pretty flower you can see looking out the window.

...birthday!  Tuesday was oldest son's birthday.  Twenty-two years ago, my college roommate made this adorable Peter Rabbit quilt for the birth of my first child.  So sweet.  At the time, I didn't fully appreciate the love and work that went into such a gift, not being a quilter waaaaaay back then.  I'm so glad I still have this quilt.

...anniversary!!!  Yesterday, my husband and I celebrated our wedding anniversary.  Last year, for our twenty-fifth anniversary, I made this quilt for him which I "entered" into the Blogger's Quilt Festival in the fall.  No such gift this year...we gave each other a house!  {grins}  [You can go here if you want to read the story behind the quilt...and see how young I looked when I got married ;-)]

Have you decided what you quilt you are featuring in this Blogger's Quilt Festival?  If not, you better get cracking!  It starts tomorrow!  I've got mine picked out.  I spent so many hours last time at the computer discovering new and wonderful blogs.  I sure hope I can squeeze some time in between packing boxes to look around.  Also, hoping to enter at least a couple of giveaways today before it is too late ;-)

Have an amazing day!!!