Sew & Tell Friday #30
I am so behind on just about everything, but I do have a giveaway winner to announce, a completed project for Sew and Tell Friday! and my quilt for the Blogger's Quilt Festival (in another post - two for one)!
Out of 440 comments, the magic Random Number Generator picked #297 which is Michele Bilyeu!!!
Michele Bilyeu said...
Out of 440 comments, the magic Random Number Generator picked #297 which is Michele Bilyeu!!!
Throw my number into the mix. I love batiks and have almost none right now. I've checked out Karla's 'Color Shuffle' from the library and it's fabulous. I would love to own it especially since Karla belongs to my Guild! The book is are you!
Yeah Michele! I will be contacting you for your mailing address and putting your goodies in the mail to you Monday. Now on to Sew and Tell.
A while back I celebrated my 100th post with a giveaway and a charity quilt. Originally the charity quilt was going to Craft Hope for Haiti, but their Etsy shop closed before I could finish the quilt. So it sat for a while ignored under a pile of other WIPs.
Later, I pulled it out, decided I didn't like it, trimmed it up some, basted it, and then put it back in another pile of WIPs.
Thanks to Victoria's newest project, this crib sized quilt has been rescued from the forgotten and lonely stack of unfinished quilts and is completely quilted and bound! I am so glad it is headed to another very worthy cause Basics Inc. Want to make one? You might even win a sewing machine! Go here to learn how.

There is always something creative to see during Sew and Tell Fridays. Make sure you see them all. Also, don't forget about the Blogger's Quilt Festival. See you there!
Have an amazing weekend!
A while back I celebrated my 100th post with a giveaway and a charity quilt. Originally the charity quilt was going to Craft Hope for Haiti, but their Etsy shop closed before I could finish the quilt. So it sat for a while ignored under a pile of other WIPs.
Later, I pulled it out, decided I didn't like it, trimmed it up some, basted it, and then put it back in another pile of WIPs.
Thanks to Victoria's newest project, this crib sized quilt has been rescued from the forgotten and lonely stack of unfinished quilts and is completely quilted and bound! I am so glad it is headed to another very worthy cause Basics Inc. Want to make one? You might even win a sewing machine! Go here to learn how.
I free pieced the 100 into the quilt top to commemorate my 100th post....the idea being if you look closely you will see the 100...but if you don't know it is there it just looks like a rectangle and two squares. I'm not sure if you can see the quilting lines in these pictures, but I played around some with this quilt. Most of the lines are wonky random straight lines, but here and there are a few surprises. Inside the "zeroes" is one example.
These pictures are before the washing so you may see a few stray pencil marks. I quilted a star in this block in addition to the random straight lines.
There is a little wonky swirl in this pink block. I used a new machine for the quilting which probably wasn't the best idea. The walking foot didn't play nice ;-)
There is always something creative to see during Sew and Tell Fridays. Make sure you see them all. Also, don't forget about the Blogger's Quilt Festival. See you there!
Have an amazing weekend!