Look What I Got
I must have been a good girl last year
because there were all kinds of goodies waiting for me when I got home from my trip!!!
Look what Santa (aka Mom) brought me.....
I now have my very own Accu Quilt Go!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The UPS man also brought me these dies to go with my Accu Quilt....
these are from my husband....he just doesn't know it yet ;-)
Great quilting books from Amazon for inspiration.
I won this great solid charm pack from the Portland Modern Quilt Guild, and
the nice folks at Robert Kaufman sent a box of solid charm packs for the Orlando Modern Quilt Guild.
I see even more solid quilts in my future!
What quilting gifts did you receive over the holidays?
Now, if only Santa's elves can help me unpack suitcases, take down the Christmas decorations, do the laundry and grocery shopping, I could play with my new toys!!!!