Sew & Tell Friday #52

 Surely I am not the only one totally in love with Melody Miller's Ruby Star Shining line of fabric?!  I admired projects made with her Ruby Star Rising (which I didn't buy unfortunately) and really wanted to make something with these cute typewriters.

Faith's iPad case tutorial seemed the perfect project to showcase the fabric, and I just happened to need one anyway, since I gave the one I made to a friend who admired mine ;-)

 The only detour I made from the tutorial was using Snuggle fabric for the inside (like the first iPad case I made) rather than the fabric and batting combination.  This particular case drew my eye because of the zipper.  I like the idea of having a place to put my stylus which I'm constantly misplacing.
However, I purposely haven't made anything with a zipper since my Junior High Home Ec class.  {Just saying that makes me feel old.  I don't believe schools have junior high anymore, much less Home Ec classes!}

 I am happy to say that I didn't have any issues with the zipper!   
I did, however, have some trouble with all the different linings and spent some quality time with my seam ripper ;-)

Anyone else see the irony in this picture?

If you are a regular reader of my blog, you've already seen this quilt top, but I want to show it again;-)
After a very long time in the WIP pile, the three liberated coin strips are now a quilt top!

Thanks for stopping by!  If you haven't already, stop by Amy's and Amanda Jean's blogs to see other Friday finishes.

Happy Friday and happy stitching!