
Yesterday's guild meeting was even better than expected!
Not only did we have an awesome meeting with excellent attendance including quite a few guests, but I got presents!

The guild presented me (and the other officers) with a very sweet card and a pretty bag full of fat quarters from the members.  I didn't get a chance to truly delve into the bag of fabrics until this morning, and I love the variety of fabrics.  I am touched that included in the gorgeous collection of fat quarters, was a beautiful piece of fabric from guild member Heather who recently moved out of state.

Additionally, the guild gave me a generous gift certificate to The Sewing Studio where we hold our monthly meetings, and I used the gift for this jelly roll of Amy Butler Lark and a stack of fat quarters.  



Kathryn took this picture to show my empty cubby once I handed over the presidential OMQG paperwork, etc.  Well, the cubby now displays my fabric gifts ;-)  The Orlando Modern Quilt Guild and its members rock!  

Speaking of sweeeeeet, look what literally just arrived in my mailbox!!! 
I love the cute picture of Amanda Jean and Cheryl shown on the inside back cover;-)
I've only had a chance so far to just peek inside, but trust me, I know what book I'll be reading today.