Precious Moments

Words cannot capture the emotion I feel right now.  Maybe this picture will give you some idea.  After a roller coaster ride of 34 weeks, I am overjoyed to announce the birth of precious Leo!  He has completely stolen my heart!

Is this not the sweetest picture ever?!!!  
Leo is wrapped in a blanket crocheted more than 24 years ago by a great-great grandmother.

I can't believe my oldest baby is now a father!  Wasn't it just yesterday that we were reading chapter books together?

Can you tell my son hasn't gotten much sleep in the last few days, possibly even weeks?

Here are the parents-to-be back in April one of the times Leo threatened to make an early appearance ;-)

Notice the Peace Baby quilt draped on the back of the rocker?  I  finished stitching on the binding while waiting for Leo to be born and finished just in time! (It's not as easy as you might think to hand stitch binding while on a least not in coach!)

Jet lag is setting in, so I'm off to bed now.....need my beauty sleep....want to be refreshed when it's MY turn to hold Leo tomorrow!!!!!

Rene'NQR, family20 Comments