Mini Monday: Blocks and Bags

After receiving a couple of these cute drawstring bags as gifts (thanks Cindy!), I was thrilled to finally make one myself.  The pattern by Jeni Baker of In Color Order is wonderfully written and easy to follow.

the Everything Bag
I love that there is no interfacing, stabilizers, fusibles, or zippers involved! It was satisfying pulling fabrics I have collected for Leo projects.  The race car fabric is Michael Miller, Riley Blake fabric is used for the drawstring and top of the bag, and I am not sure about the dot fabric used for the lining. I ordered Jeni's lined drawstring bag pattern which includes instructions for making eight different sizes as well as directions for customizing, but she also has a free tutorial version on her blog.  The Everything Bag is the size I made.  There will be more drawstring bags popping up here, I can tell you that!

Circle of Flying Geese

May bee blocks completed and mailed with two days to spare.   I was equally excited and terrified when I read that Caitlin had selected this Colorwheel Geese block for the Wish Circle at do. Good stitches.  I have seen some amazing projects made with this block and even pinned the tutorial, but never thought I could actually pull it off.  That's the good thing about are pushed creatively.  You know how I feel about paper doesn't like me.  Well, I think we may be growing on each other.  This block (once I printed out the pattern properly) was surprisingly straight forward to assemble.

Carla's arrow block
Carla has come up with another cool bee quilt concept for our MCM Bee! She is collecting arrow blocks pieced according to her own tutorial as well as the leftovers which I am sure she will incorporate brilliantly.  I love Carla's first MCM Bee quilt and know this one will be awesome as well.

Happy Monday and happy June!
School is out for my youngest....where did that first year of high school go?!
Thanks for stopping by,