Exploding Blocks
The only uncompleted project on my Gruber's retreat project list was blocks for a guild community outreach project. On the last day, I started on the blocks but was frustrated by all the bias wonkiness.
Exploding blocks in turquoise/teal/aqua
Since our group is meeting this week to assemble our charity quilt top, there is no more putting off the block making! The instructions say not to worry about points being cut off, which is one less worry, but all the bias edges were tricky which made squaring up the blocks a nightmare. None finished at the same size. Other makers warned me this would be an issue.
My contribution of five blocks
The exploding block video tutorial from Missouri Star Quilt Co can be found here if you are interested in making your own. I highly recommend squaring up at each step and starching along the way.
Our group's collaborative quilt shown with Diana, Ede, and Kathy
I borrowed this picture from our group leader's Instagram showing the final quilt top layout. All the blocks were sashed in solid white to maintain a consistent size. I am amazed at how beautifully this turned out! All the blocks play so well together!
Don't you love collaborations?! Happy stitching,