Zooming and Collaging
In the past few months, I have made three sewing machine collage quilts and zoomed countless times. Who else is getting more experience with the Zoom platform than they ever thought (or want)?! Of course, I am thrilled this technology is available for us when we can’t necessarily gather together in person.
Love my teal featherweight!
Pre-Covid, my local quilt guild had asked me to teach a workshop on fabric collage since I am a certified Laura Heine Collage Instructor. When our guild went to virtual meetings and many instructors pivoted to online teaching, we decided this workshop would be a good way to introduce the members to a virtual workshop. The technique was demonstrated while we all made the sewing machine pattern from Laura’s Group #5 Teeny Tiny Collage Patterns.
Another version
We broke the workshop lessons down into the collage method steps and then spread them out over several weeks. This gave everyone a chance to learn a particular step, apply that technique to their project, and then gather again for the next step. The lessons were held live on Zoom and recorded for those who could not attend the live session. Having the lessons recorded also gave students the opportunity to rewatch if they needed a refresher.
Power point presentations allow for close up shots
The workshop covered everything from selecting the fabrics, discussing the best supplies, fusing the fabrics, collaging the pattern, and finishing the project. I was amazed at the positive feedback from our members and so proud of their gorgeous collage masterpieces. One of the things I love about this process is how unique each person’s finished collage turns out. Each quilt tells its own story with the personality of its maker!
and another version
This collage technique is so much fun (and addicting) and full of creative possibilities. I believe the technique also lends itself well to online, on demand, learning which is why I recorded a version of the fabric collage workshop for that type of platform.
I am really excited to announce that the workshop has now launched on Course Craft. If you are interested in finding out more, you can view the course outline here. Don’t be confused by The Craft Table heading. For those who may not know, that is the name of my brick and mortar studio shop. I hope you’ll check it out and let me know what you think.
Please feel free to email me with any questions you may have regarding the online workshop. Thanks and happy stitching,